Sunday, March 14, 2010

What we did

worked a bit on web assignment.
finished ch 1 hands on 1-4
homework: ch 1, all 4 practice exercises
started ch 1 hands on 1 -- we finished step 1 and spoke about absolute vs relative references

A video walkthrough of the Word Exam

Find the files in your dropbox

Sunday, March 7, 2010

notes from class

making a web page with word

mail merge
1- write the letter to *one person*
2- create your database of information to merge in
3- modify your letter to make use of the "merge fields"
4- actually merge the document with the database (Finish and Merge / Edit Individual Document)

mdb -- microsoft database (Access 2003 file)
accdb -- microsoft database (Access 2007 file)

hw: take the practice test at home
svitak cs12

target: 2 weeks from now

hw: word ch 4, all 4 practice exercises
microsoft moviemaker

rows, cols, cells
functions, formulas
values, operators, references, functions

basic excel in *this* class

cs88 - advanced productivity tools for business